Empowering Individuals, Teams, and Managers to Connect to the Heart of the Matter and Obtain Peak Performance.

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Our Work

JENNY LETHBRIDGE Former General Manager, ANZCA

Veronica's insightful, authentic, and graceful style gained the trust and respect of the most change-resistant individuals to successfully take them on the journey and bring about sustainable change
"In my capacity as General Manager Human Resources, I had the great pleasure of working with Veronica at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists for 7 years. Veronica's role at ANZCA involved working across a broad range of stakeholder groups to implement major change initiatives. She worked with large multi-disciplined groups as well as small teams to effect cultural, procedural, technological, and structural change. As a facilitator, Veronica adopted an innovative and creative approach, coupled with a caring, warm, and inclusive interpersonal style to bring people together. Her unique and masterful approach worked effortlessly to engage participants, gain buy-in, and importantly, bring to the surface underlying issues that would otherwise remain hidden and unresolved. Veronica's insightful, authentic, and graceful style gained the trust and respect of the most change-resistant individuals to successfully take them on the journey and bring about sustainable change."


She created a space for me to be safely heard, to acknowledge the pain, and find a way forward.
"Veronica's gentle manner and unique insight provided me with an alternative view of how to manage the changing situation at work. I could have easily succumbed to feelings of anger, resentment, and despair but instead, by utilising the tools of meditation, mindfulness, vision board, and affirmations, she created a space for me to be safely heard, to acknowledge the pain, and find a way forward. I am so grateful that I was fortunate enough to have someone to guide me through a difficult time in such a positive manner. Veronica is an inspiration and although an unconventional resource in a corporate environment, her insight and skills allowed me to emotionally let go of my fear and move forward and I am truly grateful for the skills I take away with me from this time with her."

CORAL GROVES Quality Officer & Teacher, Renown Kindergarten

I learned different strategies to encourage sharing and how to further reflect, expand, and clarify. "The way our team has changed as a result of the workshop
"The way our team has changed as a result of the workshop is people were comfortable to share and open up. Through this, we found lots of common ground (e.g. our own feelings and insecurities). I learned different strategies to encourage sharing and how to further reflect, expand, and clarify. Something I am going to do now is work hard to involve the team in all aspects of the journey. Thank you for a beautiful workshop."

MICHAEL CORCORAN Board Advisor, Quantum Technologies & Former CEO, Virtu ITG Asia Pacific

The trust and support that Veronica conveyed through the process was central to helping us develop positive change.
"Veronica's openness, honesty, and raw display of vulnerability through her program were exactly what our team needed to help bring out the best in our individual and collective selves. Being collegiate takes courage, and Veronica's trust and support through the process were central to helping us develop positive change. Highly recommended."

As Featured In

Are you ready to feel empowered?
Are you ready to create an empowered team that thrives in change and achieves

peak performance?

Are you struggling with breaking through communication barriers in the workplace?

Sometimes we can feel misunderstood and overlooked because we’re not given a safe space to voice our thoughts and opinions.
With organisations changing, it can feel as if we’re left behind or that our contributions aren’t as impactful.
In the long run, not only will this affect your confidence and self-worth, but it’ll also have a significant impact on your wellbeing.
You’ll realise that you’re not really performing at your best, and the fulfilment you typically feel in the work you do is gradually decreasing.

I understand how you feel and here's

what I want

you to know

I understand how you feel and here's what I want you to know

I’ve worked with so many teams and individuals who are going through the same challenges you are experiencing right now.

With my help, people just like you have been able to feel inspired by new perspectives. They have experienced greater happiness and had more meaningful conversations with their colleagues.

Get in touch with me and let me help you find long-lasting ways to support your overall wellbeing.

Imagine if you could ...

Thrive in a constantly changing environment

Adapting to change is never an easy concept, especially in today’s world where everything around us is in flux. My methods can help you face your fears and adapt to new environments with confidence. With my support, you can be your best self, every day.

Avoid long-term health issues

The stress and anxiety you carry around because of your workplace worries can have lasting effects on your health. With my guidance, you can control these harmful feelings and learn to manage and overcome stress and anxiety-inducing scenarios.

Enjoy peak performance, every day

Your willingness to change and self-confidence can impact your ability to perform at your highest capacity. Discover how you can get the most out of your workday with my science-driven approach.

Capitalise on professional opportunities

Make the most of every career opportunity that comes your way. Let me help you make meaningful and purposeful contributions to your team and organisation.

Create meaningful relationships with your team

Communication is key to any healthy relationship. I know that sometimes this is far more easily said than done. I can help you find ways to be present with those around you and create relationships born out of respect and the positive sharing of new growth together.

Hi, I'm Vee!

Two decades ago, I found myself in a postgraduate study program at RMIT University, unable to share my authentic voice. Alongside my peers, I sat mostly in silence… on the outside. While, on the inside, I could hear my own inner critic screaming loud and clear! This emotionally chaotic experience was transformative. It sparked a quest for exploring my authentic voice and led me to become a leadership transformation coach and organizational change partner.
My transformative holistic approach connects to the heart of the matter and is rooted in the activation of multiple facets of our being—mind, heart, and spirit. I co-create an environment that nurtures growth and empowers individuals and teams to unlock new insights, deeper connections, and untapped potential.
With a foundation in curiosity and heartful bimodal play, I combine a playful spirit with a deeper understanding of each situation, resulting in powerful and enduring solutions. Inspired by Einstein, who made groundbreaking discoveries while playing the violin, I firmly believe in the potential of creative play and a mindful approach to unlock innate brilliance. Embracing unconventional methods, I encourage my clients to think outside the box and unleash their full potential.
I have successfully coached many individuals and partnered with over 40 teams across organizations of all sizes. My expertise spans from leading executive projects to facilitating people-side change initiatives, service improvement, team culture transformations, and individual leadership expansion.
I am the Founder of Heartful Leadership and the Deputy Chair of the Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association. My mission is to co-create a corporate paradigm where we share our unique gifts for an abundant world for all.

Over the past 2 decades,

I’ve had the good fortune of working with medium and large organisations and helping them manage process changes and executive change projects, as well as coaching individuals who want to feel more empowered, calm and clear in times of uncertainty (at work and in life).

What I have learned throughout this time is that by enhancing meaningful communication and sharing our unique perspectives, we can truly achieve more together to create workplaces where everyone can thrive. By deepening our sense of inner connection, we can find more joy, hope and inspiration in all aspects of our lives.

I call it communicating the heart of the matter.

The key is to utilise a mindful and self-empowered approach to be calmly connected when the elephant comes to visit.
It’s all about communicating with each other during times of change so that everyone can achieve their peak performance.
It’s my job to help you identify the things that are holding you back and guide you to a more empowered lifestyle through my training programs and other resource materials.
Once we start working together, you will be able to gain fresh perspectives, feel more understood by those around you, and ultimately achieve greater happiness and fulfilment in your work and your life.
When you’ve opened up these lines of communication and are able to be who you are, you’ll realise that there is a world of possibilities with exciting new outcomes.
This is what I want to offer you.
I want to share everything that I’ve learned during my time working in a corporate environment, and what I’ve learned since that has given me the confidence to be who I am and as this amazing human experience unfolds.
Unleash your authentic self and know what it’s like to be part of a successful and thriving workplace and feel more aligned with you.

Empowerment Activities and Resources for Employees, Teams, and Managers

I want to share everything that I’ve learned during my time working in a corporate environment, along with the array of knowledge I’ve gained working with experts in their fields.

This journey of continuous growth has given me the confidence to truly be who I am, and help countless organisations over the last two decades with things like coaching for employee empowerment, strategies for team empowerment, and empowerment of team leaders for better performance (I’ve even been lucky enough to train managers in their own ability to use powerful coaching questions to help support their own team success).

Aside from corporate and professional empowerment applications, it’s always important to remember that empowerment starts within. Personal empowerment is vital for empowerment of any other kind. 

If you’re not sure where to start on the journey of personal empowerment, and if your goal is to unleash your authentic self, then feel free to check out this list of effective empowerment activities that I’ve written.

“During times of change, peak performance can only be achieved when managers and teams communicate about the heart of the matter. Aligning with your inner essence can help you guide and inspire those around you to fulfil their potential.

Join my


For Individual

Rapidly overcome obstacles to effective communication during times of change, to enable greater personal satisfaction, team collaboration and organisation performance.

Break through your current emerging workplace and / or life challenges for new inspired experiences.

Co-create a clear, self-empowered inner leadership roadmap in alignment with your highest purpose.

Expand and flow as a high-performing leader in work and life. Navigating ongoing uncertainty through inner knowing and reflective action-learning for your abundant life.

For Teams

The Power of Expression in Change™

Overcome obstacles to effective communication during times of change, to enable greater personal satisfaction, team collaboration and organisation performance.

Thriving in Change Together™

Co-create a clear team roadmap to deliver on your business priorities in alignment with team values during times of change.

Sustainably adapt and lead through industry conundrums as a high-performing team by remaining fit as the environment shifts. Delivered in collaboration with Bernie Kelly, Transformation Partner, Speaker, Author, Mentor, Facilitator. berniekelly.com


Not Another Pointless Meeting Book

“Veronica’s insightful, authentic, and graceful style gained the trust and respect of the most change-resistant individuals to successfully take them on the journey and bring about sustainable change.”

-Jenny Lethbridge, Former General Manager, ANZCA

Create a workplace where everyone can reach their

Full Potential

Empowered Conversations at Work​

How to go from feeling alone and overwhelmed to self-empowered conversations in times of change without needing certainty or a new team.
Enter your details below and I will send you the 4 steps to help you step into self-empowered conversations.

You are not alone!